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North Oak Cliff Democrats

Dallas, Texas 75208

Meeting and Upcoming Event Information

Come on out to our Pints and Politics happy hours!

Happy Hour usually is the last Tuesday of the month at various locations in Oak Cliff and West Dallas. 5:30-7 PM, location posted in our blog. We will send out the location information in our email list, so please subscribe using the Contact link above.  Unfortunately our Facebook organizer is having account problems, so we are relying on email and posting to the party calendar.

It's an opportunity to meet candidates, volunteer for campaigns, discuss issues, etc. We're informal, so come and go as you like. We meet in the big room on the east side.

If you want to join our email list please click on the contact link. We'd love it if you friend us on Facebook, too!

For upcoming events, please check the blog link and our Facebook page.