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North Oak Cliff Democrats

Dallas, Texas 75208

Virtual Pints & Politics July 28th

Time again for our monthly Pints & Politics Happy Hour--virtual, of course. It will be on Tuesday, July 28th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. If you are not receiving the reminders with the Zoom meeting info, submit a request to be added to the email list.

Last month we had Royce West on to speak with us, he was in the run off for Democratic US Senate candidate. Unfortunately for Royce, he did not win. M. J. Hegar will be the Democratic candidate for the US Senate this fall.

We also had Roberto Alonzo and Chrysta Casteneda, both from Oak Cliff who were the run off candidates for the Texas Railroad Commission. Chrysta won the run off and will be the Democratic candidate in the fall election.

As always, reduce your COVID-19 risk by wearing a mask in public, avoiding crowded confined areas and wash your hands frequently.

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