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North Oak Cliff Democrats

Dallas, Texas 75208

Blog posts

Is Dallas QAnon curious?

For those who have been reading the news recently, you found out that apparently the God and Country Patriot Roundup (apparently QAnon is all about God and Country) will be held at the city owned Omni Hotel. Nothing surprising so far, no mask no worry! Open carry and open hate!

Oh, and to make it…

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Property Insurance Clinic Saturday March 13th

"State Rep. Jessica Gonzalez is hosting a free property insurance clinic on Saturday, March 13 at the District Office--400 S Zang Blvd.
Because of the damage done by February's winter storm, Rep. Gonzalez is bringing the community together to host a free event for folks that may need help f…

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State Legislature--Winter Storm Blackout Hearings

The Texas House is planning on holding hearings on the winter storm blackouts starting on Thursday, February 25th at 9 AM. Hearing notice information and a link to the comment form are below.

Hearing notice

Comment form

Chrysta Castaneda's editorial in the Dallas Morning News is an interest…

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Municipal elections--candidates for Oak Cliff districts

It's election season again, this time for local elections on May 1st 2021. The filing deadline for the Dallas City Council races was last week and here are the candidates for districts representing parts of Oak Cliff:

From the City Secretary's page:

District 1 (north part of Oak Cliff)


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February 23rd virtual happy hour

Hey folks, I know it's freezing out there, so let's get together for our monthly Pints & Politics virtual happy hour! Last Tuesday of the month, February 23rd from 5:30 to 6:30. As usual, I will put the Zoom info in the email I blast out. If you aren't on the list, please use the contact link to get…

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January 26th Virtual Happy Hour

So far, none of our elected state officials is available, unfortunately. However this is a great opportunity to discuss how to lobby this year's legislative session, participate in committee testimony, etc. Also a good time to reflect on how Biden should approach managing the Pandemic, patching the …

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Last Virtual Happy Hour for 2020 on December 29th

It's our last virtual happy hour for 2020, coming up on Tuesday December 29th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Zoom information will be emailed out to the list as usual. If you are not on our email list, please sign up to get the updates!

So, our topic for discussion: should Ken Paxton lose his law license,…

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Virtual Happy Hour tomorrow, Tuesday November 24th

Hey just a quick reminder we will have our monthly virtual pints and politics happy hour on Tuesday November 24th from 5:30-6:30PM. Login details are in the reminder email sent to everyone on our list.


Georgia Senatorial runoff reminder

As most of you are aware, we have very few local races go…

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Pints & Politics Virtual Happy Hour Tuesday October 27th!

Pints and Politics Virtual Happy Hour

Just a reminder, we have our monthly Virtual Happy Hour coming on Tuesday October 27th from 5:30 to 6:30. Zoom info is in the email sent out prior to every meeting. If you are not on our email list, please register through the website Contact page.

Voter I…

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Online Discussion

Social Venture Partners is presenting an online discussion on Tuesday, October 13th.

Nan Aron (Alliance for Justice), Mimi Marziani (Texas Civil Rights Project), Justin Moore (Civil Rights Attorney), and Miguel Solis (Dallas ISD Trustee) discussing political issues most pressing for our commu…

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Early Voting Starts October 13th

Hey fellow Democrats, just an FYI. Early voting begins on Tuesday October 13th for the general election on Tuesday November 3rd.

A couple of notes on planning your vote:

  • This will be a very heavy turnout election, so plan for long lines and waits for in person voting depending on which day …

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Fundraiser for Joanna Cattanach 10/6/20

Joanna Cattanach (TX-HD-108) is in a rematch.  In 2018, the result was 50.1 to 49.9.  She lost by 0.2%.  We can flip that seat!!  There are many others that are similar to this.
Event Date:  Tuesday, October, 6, 2020
Time:  6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. PACIFIC time
Zoom link:  http…

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Sunrise Movement Teen High School Climate Town Hall

The electoral volunteering team is in dire need for more youth volunteers to call, text, and write postcards for Democratic politicians in the D/FW area who have agreed to support the Texas Green Deal. This Climate Town Hall is directed for teens in the Dallas area to promote volunteering for the Su…

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Biden your time? Want to do some debate prep? Join us Tuesday!

Our debate prep happy hour is still on for Tuesday at 5:30. Warm yourself up for Don the Con in one corner and Sleepy Joe in the other...who will go down first? Will truth and logic win out or will it succumb to the babble from the orange haired huckster of fact free logic?

I am sending out the Z…

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Virtual Pints & Politics Happy Hour on Tuesday September 29th @ 5:30 PM

Hey folks,

Our next virtual Pints & Politics Happy Hour will be Tuesday, September 29th from 5:30-6:30 PM. To get the Zoom meeting information please sign up on the web site for our newsletter.

As many of you know, Oak Cliff resident Chrysta Castaneda is running for the Texas Railroad Commissi…

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Final Run to Election Day--Volunteer Opportunities

Normally the time between Labor Day and Election Day in November is the most intense for campaigning, registering voters, getting out the vote, etc. We are fortunate in Oak Cliff that our Democratic representatives at the State and Federal level are pretty safe and low risk to Republican challengers…

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Virtual Pints & Politics July 28th

Time again for our monthly Pints & Politics Happy Hour--virtual, of course. It will be on Tuesday, July 28th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. If you are not receiving the reminders with the Zoom meeting info, submit a request to be added to the email list.

Last month we had Royce West on to speak with us, h…

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Virtual Happy Hour June 30th and other stuff

June Virtual (and virtuous) Happy Hour

We're holding our next virtual happy hour on Tuesday June 30th from 5:30 to 6PM. Due to the Memorial Day holiday, we held the last one on June 2nd. Admittedly it was during the state virtual convention so turnout was a bit light, but fun none the less.


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Virtual Happy Hour

Our next Virtual Happy Hour 4/28/20 5:30-6:30 Connection link is being sent to our email list and posted to our Facebook page.

If you are not on our email list, please use the contact link to sign up for our event reminders or like us on Facebook.

Virtual Happy Hour

As everyone in Dallas is aware, we are under meeting and travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course this precludes sitting together eating at Norma's or having a drink at Canon's Corner. So, it's time to experiment!

We are trying a new virtual happy hour. If you would like to be …

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20 blog posts

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